Friday, June 24, 2011

Bill Cosby and Lists

This video is
1. hysterically funny.
2. appropriate for my life at the moment

I am trying so hard to prepare for the baby and with every effort I find myself confronted with a truth. The repetetive theme of my thoughts this stage of pregnancy is that I will, sometime soon, run out of ways to prepare. And ultimately, my preparation will not be complete. There is no way to prepare for the unknown and so much of parenthood is just that. Advice and research is great, but it has limits.

Unfortunately for me, I am-by nature-a planner. I like to cross my t's and dot all the i's.

Truthfully, my style is more like; read up on all the ways to go about crossing and dotting and then talk and talk and talk my poor husband's ear off about all the things I read and then after a considerable amount procrastination (out of fear of dotting and crossing imperfectly), I will finally complete the stinking letters.  And at some point in the process a list is usually involved.

I've made many lists in the past 27 weeks.
And in the spirit of listing, I shall list them:

Registry lists.
Daily to-do lists.
Honey-do lists.
Must-clean lists.
Frozen foods to prepare lists.
Things to remember to ask the midwife lists.
Names that aren't stupid and James might actually consider lists.
...among others.

One thing I will be able to cross off my to-do list is "Find and register for Bradley Method Birthing Class"  which begins July 5th at 7pm. I'm pretty stoked. And also terrified. Learning how to birth a baby just makes it all the more real.

This is real.
I will birth a baby.
I will take that baby home.
I will then raise that baby up into a list-making-i-dotting-freak just like me.

The point I'm trying to make amid all the ramblings here is simple: Babies don't fit lists. They can't be prepared for, even by really great planners. But here's to trying.

Momma K

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this. But, on the subject of a list of names that James will like -- is Amelia no longer an option? I might die a little inside. Just remember -- there's always Leah!

