Thursday, June 16, 2011

94 Days to Go!

I just checked my calendar to discover that I'm due in 94 days!!
Big news, people: That's less than 100!
Shock is starting to wear off....

On a related note, I am on the cusp of beginning the third trimester.
Saturday June 18th I'll be 26weeks 6days pregnant and be officially 2/3rds done with pregnancy.
It is sinking in more each day that the end of pregnancy isn't really and end at all.
In many ways, I think of it as an end. 
End to the waiting.
End to wondering what my little baby will be like.
End to my pregnancy symptoms.
End to using the "I'm pregnant" excuse for napping, being cranky, or eating weird stuff.
I am going to go home without a big pregnant belly (Lets be honest, I'll still have a big belly, it just won't be pregnant anymore...)
But it will be the beginning of life with three people in the house.
One of those people will be a tiny human who is completely dependant on me.
It will be the beggining to motherhood.
Begginging to breastfeeding.
Begginging to new symptoms as my body tries to recover.
Begginging to trying to figure out what is best for me and my baby and my family.

But, no pressure, there is 94 days between now and then.

1 comment:

  1. You got this! I have every faith in you (and with every faith in Him you'll be good to go)!! Congrats on being a beautiful, intelligent, loving new mom!
