Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear Over-due Baby,

Dear Over-due Baby,

When we first heard you were coming, a doctor with an expensive degree told us how old you were and gave us a "due date". I think due dates work better for library books and rent checks. I knew that you wouldn't care what day she said, you are a baby and you will come when you are ready.

People like to know when things will happen. Its easier to cope with changes when you can control when they start and stop. I know this doesn't concern you now; we should learn to be more like you. When you get older we will teach you to read a clock and a calendar and tell you how important it is to be punctual. Baby, that is a fancy word that means you show up on time.

But you are a baby, and I don't expect you to be punctual. I expect you to show up in the only way you know how. I know its a long journey you'll be making and you need to be prepared. Take your time.

It's been about 35 weeks since we saw that doctor. You had lot of growing to do back then and everyone was happy to wait while you were growing up inside my belly. Now that you are so big, people think you are done growing. Maybe you are, but maybe you need just a little more time. I want you to be completely and totally ready so don't let people hurry you out.

Baby, I know that I'll tell you to respect your elders and listen to the teacher and obey the rules. But none of us out here know anything about when you should come. Lots of us act like we do. That's just so we can feel better.

We are excited to meet you so it's hard to wait.
But I will wait on you. Take your time.

Just come on home when you can, precious child.
We love you and we're ready to be your parents.

            Love, Your really big-bellied Mommy, and super-excited Daddy.


  1. Amy, cute blog!! I love the name =). I'll be praying that babyk comes soon! How exciting. =)
